Jun 27, 2018
The entertainment industry is a tough industry. We hear all the time about entertainment industry professionals, actors, directors, musicians, producers, et cetera, who get burned out. They suffer from depression, struggle with hurting relationships, and so much more. But sometimes the entertainment industry can also...
Jun 20, 2018
With today’s social media world and our abundance of information that’s thrown our way, we can very easily get discouraged about the world around us. Sometimes we feel like there’s so much hurt and sadness in the world, and we get overwhelmed, we feel like the apocalypse is nigh. But the truth is, it’s just not
Jun 13, 2018
I’m always amazed when I meet someone who has taken a trial, struggle, hardship, or some adversity in their life and used it to change and impact their community or the world. So often, when tough stuff happens to us or when life hands us a really huge, massive lemon, we use that to sit and throw ourselves a pity...
Jun 6, 2018
Today’s episode is a little different than usual, and I loved it. I know that I have a lot of listeners who are not entrepreneurs. You’re in the corporate world, or you’re a student, or you’re an employee, or you’re in a job that you just cannot stand and you’re looking to change jobs or find a job where you...