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Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder?

Nov 25, 2019

The 2019 Ethical Gift Guide is HERE!

This is the most anticipated podcast episode (and post!) each year because not only do we have great gift ideas for almost everyone on your list, but also, my co-host, Em Sexton, founder of The Flourish Market joins me. We laugh! We talk gifts! We do trivia! Tell Christmas stories!...

Nov 20, 2019

About Amy Ahiga, Founder of Grain of Rice Project:

Amy Ahiga is a wife, mother, former art teacher, and the co-founder of Grain of Rice Project, an organization that seeks to empower Kenyans through educational and training initiatives in Jesus' name.  Amy is passionate about ensuring children from marginalized and...

Nov 13, 2019

A woman who has become a victim of human trafficking loses many things. One of those things is the vital feeling of self-worth. There’s a lot to be said about the impact of a lack of self-worth on a woman’s overall physical, spiritual, and emotional health. Sometimes, even the smallest gestures of assistance and...

Nov 6, 2019

I love pictures and taking pictures, but I really enjoy being in them if my loved ones are in them with me as well. I take so many pictures with my kids and family because photos capture time, memories, heart, and love. Pictures are powerful. My guest today realized she could use her gift of photography to give back and...